MSI P7NGM @ Neoseeker

“I have a feeling that the GeForce 9300 was rushed to market, and enough time was not spend optimizing the BIOS, especially when it came to memory timings. There is no other way to put it – the memory performance is atrocious, with the exception of writes – latencies are especially bad. I have to wonder if the BIOS thinks DDR2 is DDR3 and thus forces such ridiculous (even for DDR3!) timing values.”

ECS GF9300T-A Black Series

ECS GF9300T-A Black Series @ Big Bruin

“The ECS GF9300T-A Black Series GeForce 9300 motherboard is hopefully a BIOS update away from being an incredible motherboard. It seems well conceived and well designed, but there are just too many issues and limiting factors to get overly excited about it as is. The performance was respectable in many tests anyway, and it makes me wonder just how good this board could be (at stock speeds or overclocked) if it wasn’t being held back.”


ECS GF9300TA @ Guru3D

“We’ll see integrated IGPs more and more in the years to come, and mark my words… we feel that this trend is becoming normalized in the mainstream market. We peek at a GF9300 mainboard, the model tested comes from the fine folks at ECS, and as always… they were quick enough to send us their “Black Edition” model, a product series that is doing so very well in the EU and USA thanks to it’s nice design and additional features.”


DFI LANPARTY DK P45-T2RS Plus @ MadShrimps

“The P45 chipset has been out on the market for quite some time now and motherboards are widely available. But as usual, it takes a bit more time for DFI to tweak and tune their version of the P45. Today, we have a look at the P45-T2RS Plus motherboard, let’s find out if it was worth the wait.”


EVGA 790i SLI FTW @ OC Club

“Overclocking the EVGA 790i SLI FTW was very similar to the Striker II Extreme. Both boards reacted similarly when pushed with a quad core CPU and high speed DDR3 memory. Overclocking the memory takes a little patience but can be done. On this board I was able to push the test memory to 2100MHz but just could not find the stability I needed.”

Intel Atom/ECS 945GCT-D

Intel Atom/ECS 945GCT-D @ TBreak

“There are a fair number of applications that require a cost effective quick and easy computing solution that gets the job done with least power consumption. ECS brings us the 945GCT-D motherboard that comes with an Intel Atom 230 (1.6GHz) Diamondville CPU and delivers just that. With the integrated Intel GMA 950 graphics solution included, it’s almost half way ready to go.”

Biostar TPower I45

Biostar TPower I45 @ PCStats

“As chipsets go, the Intel P45 Express is largely identical to the P35 Express which preceded it, so if you’re familiar with that platform the P45 will be a comfortable fit from the first boot up. The main difference is PCI Express 2.0 compliance, and to that end Biostar have equipped the TPower I45 with a pair of PCI Express x16 slots.”

Intel D945GCLF2

Intel D945GCLF2 @ Neoseeker

“Last week, when going through the “what’s new” list of a local supplier, I found a gem: an inexpensive mini-ITX motherboard with a dual core Atom processor. This little marvel, the Intel D945GCLF2, does not even show up on the Intel web site – other than being noted as announced during IDF. Interested in what it was capable of, I bought one on the spot.”

Gigabyte EP45-DQ6

Gigabyte EP45-DQ6 @

“The Gigabyte EP45-DQ6 has all of the features you would want from a motherboard based upon the Intel P45 and more. The board is so feature-laden in fact that I would have to say it’s a bit over the top compared with most of its competition. Having Ten SATA ports, 8 USBs on the rear IO and four Gigabit LANs would make this the most feature-rich P45 I’ve ever seen.”


ECS P945GC @ Guru3D

“This little ECS mainboard comes with the new Intel Dual Core Atom 330 processor. It has integrated sound, 10/100 Ethernet and integrated graphics. Really all you need to do is insert a slice of DDR2 533 memory and connect a HD, and you are on the web … browsing at fairly normal speeds, listening to songs, or watching a DVD … heck it all works fine on that Intel Atom 330 for sure.”